Hi everyone! My name is Caitlyn Meehan and I am currently an Exercise Science PhD Student at the University of South Alabama researching neuromuscular physiology in regards to resistance exercise.

I completed my MS in Exercise Science at Florida Atlantic University and helped out in the Muscle Physiology Lab where we conducted studies on differing strength and hypertrophy outcomes resulting from the manipulation of various resistance training variables.

Growing up I have always loved sports and being involved in physical activity. I found Olympic Weightlifting back in 2020, which has largely inspired my academic endeavors and passion to help athletes reach their full potential both in and outside of the gym.


My mission is to provide a place where weightlifters can train smart and still make ample progress in the gym. In the future, I would love to get more research out on the population of Olympic Weightlifters, and ensure that both coaches and athletes are confident in their training devices and are continuing to make progress.

My hope is that an approach like this will be sustainable for athletes to adhere to in the long-term, and allow athletes to thrive both in and outside of the gym. Additionally, it would be amazing to encourage more females to partake in strength sports and pursue careers in the fitness industry.

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)